Tokenomics & Fees
$AIGF was Fair launched with no influencer token allocations
Total Supply: 10,000,000 $AIGF
Airdrop Incentives: 500,000 $AIGF (5%)
Liquidity Incentives: 500,000 $AIGF (5%)
Token Tax: 0/0 Tax (No Tax)
Liquidity was added to Raydium in $AIGF-SOL pool by the original team and the LP tokens were burned 🔥
$AIGF rewards for Liquidity Providers will be distributed with the growth of the protocol to strengthen liquidity as market cap rises.
Fee Distribution
Each purchase in the AIGF Ecosystem has a small fee of <> $AIGF and <> $SOL attached
These fees will be used to cover AI Compute costs, pay stakers, and buy back $AIGF tokens from the market
Last updated